EE B.Tech / M.Tech - AravaliEducation
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EE B.Tech / M.Tech

EE Department

(B.Tech. /

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About Electrical Engineering Department

The Department of Electrical Engineering is one of the largest departments in institute which started functioning with undergraduate programme in 2010, and has a distinguished faculty, holding Ph.D. Degrees from renowned institutes in India. The Primary objective of the department is to impart quality education and training at the undergraduate, postgraduate and research levels in the areas of Electrical Engineering. The Department has very good laboratories with some of the state of art equipment for better practical understanding of the students. The Department also has the right mixture of young and senior faculty members and all of us are working hand in hand for the overall benefit of the Department and the society.

The curriculum of Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, Rajasthan lays equal emphasis on all major fields of electrical engineering – Power system, Power electronics engineering, wind and solar energy system and control system. The students are taught many courses to develop a sound theoretical knowledge and good practical experience in all these areas.


To strive continuously for excellence in education and research related to Electrical Engineering by nurturing human resource to contribute for sustainable development of industry and society.


  • The department aims to realize the vision through the following mission:
  • M1. Empower students with fundamental knowledge of Electrical, Electronics and computational Technology.
  • M2. Develop the foundation to undertake research in systems involving emerging fields of Electrical Engineering.
  • M3. Enable professional skills and competence to become consultants in the field of Electrical Engineering.
  • M4. Evolve as a dynamic entrepreneurial human resources for the society.

Programme Outcomes (POs): 

UG Programme

Students in the first year of the engineering program should be in possession of:

PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO.8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

PG Programme

PO1. Acquire in-depth knowledge in the domain of Power Electronics & Electric drives.

PO2. Ability to critically analyze various Power Electronics & Electric drives, models and their operation.

PO3. Ability to apply fundamentals and concepts to analyze, formulate and solve complex problems of electrical Power Electronics & Electric drives and its components.

PO4. Apply advanced concepts of electrical power engineering to analyze, design and develop electrical components, apparatus and systems and to put forward scientific findings at national and international levels.

PO5.  Ability to use advanced techniques, skills and modern scientific and engineering tools for professional practice.

PO6. Preparedness to lead a multidisciplinary scientific research team and communicate effectively.

PO7. Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of engineering principles for project management.

PO8. To motivate exploring ideas and to encourage for independent, reflective and lifelong learning.

PO9. The in-depth education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs): 

Electrical Engineering graduates will have the:

PSO1. Ability to critically understand the generation, transmission & distribution concepts of Electrical Power Systems and its control

PSO2. Capability to understand various computational methods for design and analysis of Electrical Systems

PSO3. In-depth knowledge to handle/control various electrical machines/drives used in industry.

Program Educational Outcome (PEOs): 

UG Programme

PEO1. Able to utilize domain knowledge required for analyzing and resolving practical Electrical Engineering problems

PEO2. Equipped with theoretical and practical skills to investigate and undertake complex projects of inter-disciplinary nature with wide impact

PEO3. Imbibed with the state of the art knowledge to adapt, ever transforming technical scenario

PEO4. Acquire social and environmental ethics for sustainable development of the society

PG Programme

PEO1 : To produce electrical Power Electronics & Electric drives post graduates, who are      employable in public and private industries/ Institutes/Organization, or pursue higher education.

PEO2 : To prepare graduates who have the ability to identify and address current and future problems in the domain of power systems, power electronics and electrical machines.

PEO3 : To inculcate research attitude and lifelong learning among graduates.

Message from HOD

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Electrical Engineering Department at AITS, Udaipur. The Electrical Engineering Department being one of the major Department of the Institute is growing constantly due to the success of its graduates as highly skilled and professional engineering technologists. We pride in having the well qualified faculty and well groomed multi-dimensional students driven by self-motivation and quest to continuously improve and aspiring for higher studies at top universities around the world.

At present, the department offers an undergraduate programme, B. Tech (Electrical Engineering) and one M. Tech. Programs in Power Electronics and Drives. The Electrical Engineering programs are designed to reflect the diverse needs of our students, industry, and the society with academic rigor. We strive to nurture graduates who are ready to accept the changing needs of the society and industry.

Since future is of smart energy management system, the Electrical Engineering Department will continue to fulfill its aim to contribute to the teaching and learning, research and with its commitment to achieve excellence.

I believe career opportunities in Electrical Engineering are endless as graduates can work anywhere in government agencies, Power industries, Government PSUs, R&D Units, IT industries, Electricity Boards/Utility companies and startup to big tech firms. With the world’s focus on smart grid technologies having penetration of renewable energy sources as future high tech power system, the degree programs offered at department of electrical engineering will prepare students for a bright future in the fast emerging areas of engineering and research.

On behalf of the Electrical Engineering department, I welcome our new and current students and visitors, and wish them a bright future a-head.

Name: Dr. Bheru Das Vairagi
Designation: Professor & Head of Department
Qualifications: Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering), M.Tech (PE), B.Tech.
Total year of Experience: Academic: 09 Years, Research: 03 Years
No. of Research Publication: 30
No. of M.Tech. Guided: 06

S.No. Faculty Name Designation
1. Dr. Bheru Das Vairagi Associate Professor & HOD
2. Mr. Nitesh Agrawal Associate Professor
3. Mrs. Ritu Kumari Sharma Associate Professor
4. Mr. Harish Kumar Rawal Assistant Professor
5. Mrs. Himani Paliwal Assistant Professor
6. Mr. Naitik Pandaya Assistant Professor
7. Mr. Umesh Agarwal Assistant Professor
8. Mrs. Sunita Mali Assistant Professor
9. Mr. Anshul Jain Assistant Professor
10. Ms. Anchal Khandelwal Assistant Professor
11. Mrs. Lokpriya Kumawat Assistant Professor
12. Ms. Safalta Singh Sindal Assistant Professor
13 Mr. Narayan Singh Chouhan Assistant Professor


About Laboratory:

The Electrical Engineering deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics converters, motors, panels and various circuits, which includes all large-scale electrical systems mostly, power transmission, motors and control drives. Electrical Engineering has gone from simple electric circuits of Edison and Tesla through Rocket science of Bode and Nyquist to the complexity of IC. The demand of electrical energy in our country is increasing at a very fast rate and this necessitates the need to generate more power. Thus, the role of electrical engineers becomes all the more important in today’s scenario.

We are equipped to provide prospective engineers with the necessary training and knowledge to enable them to make a meaningful contribution in this area. Initially, the programme provides students with a broad base on which their specialist knowledge can be built. The latter years have been designed to produce professional engineers with a good working knowledge of analogue, digital and power electronics, electrical machines and power system with the emphasis on applications. The Department has an excellent infrastructure to promote a congenial academic environment to impart quality education with well-equipped laboratories and a team of qualified and dedicated faculty members.

The Department has a well developed Research & Development Cell guided by dedicated faculty members. It also has adequate skilled and self-motivated technical staff. We have developed Industry Academia Cell also. The Department has strong tie ups with industry and one of the advantages this holds for our students is the fact that they are in demand; not only in the local market, but internationally as well.

Power System Lab

Power system Laboratory comprises of protection, simulation, high voltage and machine-related experiments. Facilities are available for over current, Under voltage, directional, differential and distance relays including different numerical relays. Varieties of Power system Simulation packages like Load flow, PSCAD, and Mi Power are available. High voltage laboratory has facilities for power frequency high voltage generation Up to 200 kV, Impulse Voltage Generation 600 kV, Condition Monitoring of Transformer, 20 kV Tan delta Test Kit and other testing facilities. The department has several tie-ups with companies of international repute to bridge the gap between university course curriculum and latest technologies, as it is a discipline where technologies and solution architectures change rapidly.

Power Electronics & Drive Lab

The power electronics laboratory is intended specifically to meet the needs of modern courses in power electronics. It covers the following topics:

  • Thyristor and Power transistor
  • Thyristor as a Controlled Rectifier
  • Triac
  • AC Voltage Regulator
  • Half Controlled AC-DC Converter Bridge
  • Fully Controlled full-wave Rectifier
  • DC Chopper
  • Single phase DC-AC Inverter
  • R, R-C, UJT firing circuit
  • SCR

It is used at undergraduate level for studying the voltage and current characteristics of thyristors and power transistors, demonstrating the use of the thyristor as a half wave controlled rectifier, investigating the voltage and current waveforms for different loads and the effect of the freewheeling diode on the load and current and voltage waveforms. Modern electrical drive systems consist of three main parts:

  • The prime mover which is a DC or AC motor.
  • The power semiconductor converter, which is AC/DC, DC/DC or AC/AC type.
  • The control unit (i.e. brain of the drive), based on digital, analog or hybrid components.

The advent of such modern adjustable speed drives has completely revolutionized the electric machinery industry. With the decreasing cost and increasing reliability of power electronics, the trend toward adjustable speed motors continues to accelerate. The use of these devices to control the speed of DC and AC motors constitutes the main objective of this laboratory. The experiments included in this lab were designed to introduce variable speed electrical AC and DC drives in a simple and fairly complete fashion.

Electrical Machines Lab

The electrical machine laboratory is intended for electrical machine courses. It is used at undergraduate level for studying the characteristics and operation of direct current (dc), induction, synchronous and special machines using state of the art teaching modules.

The subjects that are covered include: torque/speed curves and back-to-back tests for dc machines, characteristics of dc motors and dc generators (separate, series, shunt and compound), determining the parameters, the starting methods, speed control and performance of 3-phase induction motors, dynamic braking of induction motors, load tests, voltage regulation, power factor control and parameters of synchronous machines, load angle curves and pullout torque of synchronous machines etc.

Analog and Digital Electronics Lab

Electronics department has equipments and setup for basic and general electronics circuits for study analysis & design like as Analog lab module, Transistor Trainer, Diode & Zener Diode characteristics, Push pull amplifier, FET & MOSFET Trainer, Hartley & colpit’s oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator and Function generators.

The department has modern, well-equipped Digital Electronics Laboratory with adequate facilities. The Lab has advance kits like Shift register trainer, Basic logic gates trainer, Up down counter, Multiplexer & Demultiplexer kit.

Electric Circuit Lab

In this lab, students are expected to gain experience in using the basic measuring de- The Electrical Circuits Laboratory II is designed to provide the student voltages and currents, such as common sinusoidal AC circuits.

Basic Electrical and Electronics Lab

This Lab familiarizes you with the basics of instruments. The lab introduces you to Resistors, Capacitor and light emitting Diode. you will have an opportunity to build and test Electronic circuit and in the process get acquainted with the different laboratory equipment such as Bread Board, Oscilloscope multimeter and the other system you plan to use in your career as an electrical/Biomedical Engineer.

Control & Instrumentation Laboratory

It has facilities to conduct experiments on dosed loop speed control of AC and DC motors. It also has facilities to perform studies on PID controllers, phase lag and lead controllers, synchronous motor etc.

Measurements Laboratory

It is well stacked with various bridges and apparatus for analysis of circuits.