Polytechnic Diploma - AravaliEducation
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Polytechnic Diploma

Department of Mechanical Engineering

(Polytechnic Diploma)

  • About Department
  • Faculty
  • Event
  • Achievement
  • Time Table
  • Laboratries
  • Course File
  • Placements
  • Publication

About Mechanical Department

Mechanical engineering is one of the major activities in engineering profession and its principles are involved in the design, study, development and construction of nearly all of the physical devices and system. By emphasizing both analytical and creative methods, it gives students the broad skills they need to pursue their goals – whether that means working as an engineer, founding a company or continuing with the post graduate study and research. The department was established with the inception of the Institute in 2008 with the vision to retain our status as one of the best mechanical engineering departments and continue to play one of the foremost roles in the development of the nation.

The curriculum of Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, Rajasthan lays equal emphasis on all major fields of mechanical engineering – Design engineering, Production engineering and Thermal and Fluid engineering. The students are taught many courses to develop a sound theoretical knowledge and good practical experience in all these areas.


Towards a Global Knowledge Hub, striving continuously in pursuit of excellence in Mechanical Engineering Education, Entrepreneurship and Innovation.


  • To impart total quality education through effective hi-tech teaching-learning techniques and department-industries collaboration.
  • To mold the young dynamic potential minds to emerge as full-fledged future professionals so as to achieve top ten ranking status in the national level.
  • To achieve international standards to fulfill the Government’s “Make In India” industrial policy through innovation and research.

Programme Outcomes (POs): 

A student will develop:

PO1: BASICS AND DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2: PROBLEM ANALYSIS: Ability to analyze and interpret data by designing and conducting experiments.

PO3:DESIGN/ DEVELOPMENT OF SOLUTION: An ability to Design a system component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, political, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability.

PO4: ENGINEERING TOOLS, EXPERIMENTATIG: An ability to use the techniques, skills, software, equipment and modern engineering tools to analyze problems which are necessary for engineering practice.

PO5: THE ENGINEERING AND SOCIETY: Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context and prepare students who can participate and succeed in competitive examinations.

PO6: PROJECT MANAGEMENT & FINANCE: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environment.

PO7: LIFE-LONG LEARNING: confidence for self-education and ability for life-long learning in students.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs): 

PSO1: Ability to challenge the start of an accessible business and address the complex technical issues identified in designing, heat, and creating related businesses with the target device.

PSO2: Ability to directly analyze and recover actual situations related to design using calculation methods and tools. You can work freely under research and mechanical conditions.

PSO3: The ability to intelligently incorporate information received both verbal and compound.

Program Educational Outcome (PEOs): 

PEO-1- KNOWLEDGE: Mechanical engineering graduates have a strong foundation in engineering and use software tools to broaden their knowledge and promote lifelong learning in a variety of areas such as manufacturing, design, heat, industry, and related disciplines. You can develop core competencies in your field.

PEO-2- SKILLS: Graduates have effective communication, leadership, team building, problem solving, decision making, software and creative skills to understand current issues and contribute to overall personality and career development.

PEO-3- ATTITUDE: Graduates have ethical responsibilities and service to their colleagues, employers and society and follow these principles in their daily lives.

PEO-4- APPLICATIONS: Provides a solid foundation for engineering foundations for solving, analyzing and designing real-time engineering products.

Message from HOD

A warm and Green Greetings from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at AITS, Udaipur. The college has been simply unstoppable in its progress as it has been actively involved in various activities that have brought to light the hidden talents of the college students and staff. Mechanical Engineering is a professional Core engineering discipline that deals with the design, production and maintenance of any produce of any industry. The pride of every student and staff would be in his/her department and college.

Our department has a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty, good infra structure and lab facilities. We are striving hard continuously to improve upon the quality of education and to maintain its position of leadership in engineering and technology. We always work with the motto “Nothing can be achieved without genuine effort.” The core values of the department help the students to develop their overall personality and make them worthy to compete and work at global level. Our faculty are continuously attending various training programs, publishing research papers, books and filing patents. Many are pursuing research. Our department has been conducting seminar / conferences to keep the faculty and students abreast with the latest developments in the field of technical education. We are happy to share that many students are pursuing higher studies in leading universities in India and abroad. I am certain that our students will prove to be an invaluable asset to an organization. We, Mechanical engineers to build the nation.

S.No. Faculty Name Designation
1. Dr. Vijyendra Singh Sankhla Professor & HOD
2. Mr. Gourav Purohit Assistant Professor
3. Mr. Narendra Sharma Assistant Professor
4. Mr. Dilip Kumar Shrimali Assistant Professor
5. Mr. Mukesh Ganchi Assistant Professor
6. Mr. Devendra Biloliya Assistant Professor
7. Mr. Shubham Lakshkar Assistant Professor
8. Mr. Sankalp Kumar Karnegy Assistant Professor
S.No. Date Event Name Resource Person
1. 19.11.2021 & 20.11.2021 Two Days Online national workshop “Problem Solving and Ideation Dr. Ankush Sharma, Scientific officer, ATIRA ( Research Center) Ahmadabad
2. 27.11.21 Online Motivational session of a Successful Entrepreneur organized by IIC & Department of Mechanical Engineering Dr. Ankush Sharma, Scientific officer, ATIRA ( Research Center) Ahmadabad
Mr. Mohd. Shahid Khan, Owner & Founder Autoz Engineering, Ujjain
3. 07.03.22 Motivational Seminar : Determining and Managing Priorities of Students Guest (Key note Speaker ): Prof. RA Gupta , Honorable Vice-Chancellor, RTU, Kota
4. 12.01.22 One Day Industry Visit : MSME Technology Development Center Udaipur Mr. Yogesh Shrivastava ( Asst. Director MSME
5. 17-19 Dec. 2021 Three Days Online International Workshop on Entrepreneurship skill, Attitude and Behavior Development organized by IIC & Department of Mechanical Engineering Dr. Yash Chawla, Assistant Professor , Innovation & Marketing Management, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology , Poland
6. 22.12.21 Seminar: Study Abroad Session & IELTS Ms. Archana Shaktawat, Edupreneur-Imprint Training Center, Certified IELTS Trainer
7. 30-31.10.21 Two Days Online National Workshop on Business Management and Improvement through ERP, An Only Path for Global Business organized by IIC & Department of Mechanical Engineering Mr. Pradeep Sharma, Senior Consultant and Functional head, Apple INC & Cognizant, Hyderabad
8. 15.11.2021 to 01.12.2021 15 Day Software Training on Solid works Mr. Praveen Rathore
9. 08.12.21 10 Day AUTOCAD in House Training Mr. Praveen Rathore
10. 25.11.21 Industrial Visit: Pyro Tech Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Raju Barwa
11. 10.12.21 Industrial Visit: GG Valves Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Mahadev ( HR) & Mr. Kuldeep ( P. Manager)
12. 23.12.21 Industrial Visit: Door and Door Deco build Pvt. Ltd., Udaipur Mr. Dinesh Dangi, Associate Professor
Mr. Raju Barwa , GM HR, AITS
13. 30.11.21 Online Motivational session of a Successful innovator organized by IIC & Department of Mechanical Engineering Mr. Puneet Mathur , Asst. Prof. Marwadi university, Rajkot
14. 02-02-2022 to 12-02-2022 Aravali Team Championship Participated by all Students
15. 2.2.2022-4.2.2022 Three days Faculty Development program
On Intellectual property rights for academic institutions
Dr.Rohit Jain
16. 21.1.2022-22.1.2022 National Conference on innovation & Technological Advancement-vision 2050
17. 20.04.2022 Seminar on “Organ Donation Awareness” organized by Rotary Club Panna Mr. Bhal Shekhar
(Nominated President Rotary club Navi Mumbai)
S.No. Name of Achievement Name of Faculty/Students Achieved Title of Achievement/Name of Event
1. Winner of Volleyball Tournament Won by Diploma Mechanical Engineering Students Institute level “ Aravali Team Championship Tournament” February 2022
2. Winner of Kabbadi Tournament Won by Diploma Mechanical Engineering Students Institute level “ Aravali Team Championship Tournament” February 2022
3. Patent
Published application no:202241016758
Dr. Vijayendra Singh Sankhla IoT and Artificial Intelligence based Smart Electrical Load transmission, Distribution, Observing and Monitoring System using PLC and Webserve March 2022
4. Patent Published application no 202141043269 Mr. Gourav Purohit Industrial Gas Leakage System Using GSM Technology, October 2021
5. Patent Published application no 202211022588 Mr. Gourav Purohit IoT with Artificial Intelligence based decentralized authentication modelling scheme in edge using Block chain Techniques, 2021
6. Patent Published Mr. Gourav Purohit IoT based water quality monitoring for textile Industry, May 2020
7. Patent Published Mr. Gourav Purohit Durability response of high-performance concrete with met kaolin and rice husk ash, July 2020
8. Education Excellence Award Mr. Gourav Purohit Head Mechanical Institute Level Appreciation in Tech Aroma Annual Function 2019-20
9. Best Department Award Mr. Gourav Purohit Head Mechanical Institute Level Appreciation in Tech Aroma Annual Function 2018-19
10. Bronze Medal Mr. Vishal Mali 2nd IMAS Asian Karate Championship organized by Indian Martial ART Sansthan on 18-19 January 2020 at Jaipur
11. B Certification Mr. Vishal Mali NCC 2020-21
12. 10th Rank at BTER, Jodhpur Mr. Abhishek Shamra Main Diploma IIIrd Year Examination BTER, Jodhpur , June 2019
13. Winner of Cricket Tournament Won by Department of Mechanical Engineering Institute level “ Aravali Team Championship” Tournament March 2019


The department has well equipped more than 10 laboratories and a central workshop which are being supervised by experienced teachers having multiple exposures of industry and teaching. The department possesses laboratories as given below:

  • Thermal Engineering Lab
  • Engineering Graphics Lab
  • Theory of Machine
  • Material testing Lab / SOM
  • Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulics Lab
  • Heat & Mass Transfer Lab
  • Mechanical Vibration Lab
  • Measurement Quality control Lab
  • Automobile Lab
  • CAMD Lab
  • Turbo machine Lab
  • Manufacturing Engineering Lab
  • Central Workshop
  • Mechanics Lab
  • Project Lab

Thermal Engineering Lab

The primary purpose of the laboratory is to show students the experimental methods on thermal energies on various engines and demonstrate their operational procedures. In order that students have a fairly good understanding of the theory underlying the experiments, the entire course is designed such that classroom lectures precede lab work.

Engineering Graphics Lab

We have Engineering Graphics lab which is common to all first year engineering students. Our lab is equipped with modern drawing tables which are manufactured in a customized way specially to meet the standards and comforts. This lab is also used by mechanical students in higher classes.

Theory of Machine Lab

Mechanisms form the basis of any machine and it is an assemblage of rigid bodies so that they move upon each other with definite relative motion. Objectives of this Theory of Machines lab are to impart practical knowledge on design and analysis of mechanisms for the specified type of motion in a machine. With the study of rigid bodies motions and forces for the transmission systems, machine kinematics and dynamics can be well understood. Demonstration exercises are provided with wide varieties of transmission element models to understand machine kinematics. Various experiments with governors, gyroscopes, balancing machines and universal vibration facilities are available to understand machine dynamics.

Material testing /Strength of Material Lab

The objective of the strength of materials lab is to demonstrate the basic principles in the area of strength and mechanics of materials and structural analysis to the undergraduate students through a series of experiments. In this lab the experiments are performed to measure the properties of the materials such as impact strength, tensile strength, compressive strength, hardness, ductility etc. Different types of tests are conducted in this laboratory as per standards to know the various mechanical properties of a material such as young’s modulus ,shear modulus, hardness, toughness, deflection, fatigue strength etc.

Fluid Mechanics Lab

This lab has basic fluid mechanics set-up. The lab is equipped with different flow measuring set-ups such as venturimeter, orifice-plate, pitot tube etc., where students can visualize the basic theory of working of the flow meter. The lab also has Reynolds’s setup,  and flow over open channel and impact of jet set-up, where students can fortify their theoretical knowledge.

Heat Transfer Lab

This is mainly for under-graduate students. The lab is equipped with setups that study both basic as well as applied heat transfer phenomena. The lab has basic heat transfer setup such a heat conduction, free-forced convection set-up and radiation set-up. Tubular heat exchanger, cooling tower, refrigeration and boiling heat-transfer are some set-up, which are based on application of heat transfer.

Vibration Engineering Lab

Vibratory systems comprise means for storing potential energy (spring), means for storing kinetic energy (mass or inertia), and means by which the energy is gradually lost (damper). The vibration of a system involves the alternating transfer of energy between its potential and kinetic forms. System Frequency has to determined to avoid breakdown in the laboratory.

Measurement Quality control Lab

Metrology, the science of measurement, helps manufacturers to attain the proper fit and finish for their products. It embraces both experimental and theoretical measurements and determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology. Metrology Lab plays a crucial role for a student who wants to pursue his career in industrial engineering and shop floor control. Metrology lab’s list of experiment are chosen in such a way  to familiarize our B. Tech / Diploma final year students in various kinds of measuring tools/instruments, measuring techniques, measurement methods, calibration procedures, SQC procedures. The students learn the measurement procedure in basic measuring instruments such as thread micrometer, gear tooth vernier, lever dial gauge, GO-NO gauges and centre distance gauge other than normal micrometer and vernier calliper used in shop floor. The calibration exercise makes them to find the standard error involved in the measuring instrument using set of slip gauge.

Automobile Lab

The aim of laboratory is to teach the basic applications of basic laws of thermodynamics, process of energy conversion in I.C. engines. The internal combustion engine is a rich source of examples of almost every conceivable type of heat transfer. There are a wide range of temperatures and heat fluxes in the various components of the internal combustion engine. Test rig for single cylinder engine and its performance parameters are examined. About 25 % of the air/fuel mixture energy is converted to work, and the remaining 75% must be transferred from the engine to the environment. The testing of engine is necessary to verify the performance of the engine as per the specification of the manufacturer.


The CAD/CAM Lab in Mechanical Engineering Department introduces student to the process planning and the tools that are needed to carry for process planning. Process planning is an engineering activity that determines the appropriate procedures for transforming raw materials into a final product as specified by an engineering design. Engineering designs are conventionally documented using detailed diagrams indicating important design characteristics such as dimensions, tolerances, materials, and other pertinent specifications. Even though these diagrams convey a large amount of information about a design, they are incomplete in that they do not describe the manufacturing steps necessary to produce the final part. Effective process plans provide this information. In practice, design, process planning, and manufacturing are interrelated since the capabilities and characteristics of available equipment, manufacturing processes, and personnel can have a significant impact on the final design of a product.

An arrangement of 60 computers with latest configuration loaded with CAD software like Auto CAD have been installed in CAD/CAM laboratory including Projector where the students of Mechanical Engineering can learn designing skills.

Turbo Machinery Lab

Turbo Machinery lab, in mechanical engineering, describes machines that transfer energy between a rotor and a fluid, including both turbines and compressors. Pelton turbine Experimental Scale model helps student to understand hydraulic and mechanical efficiencies of system.

Manufacturing Engineering Lab

We have manufacturing technology lab in which mechanical engineering students perform and understand different production & manufacturing processes during the course. All the first year students of all branches perform experiments in this lab as per the curriculum and it provides practical knowledge of machines, welding, carpentry, fitting, foundry and black smithy to the students. Students perform hands on practices on different machineries that build their confidence during work exposure.

Workshop Practice

The objective of this lab is to get hands on knowledge of several Workshop Practices like carpentry, fitting, welding, machining etc and learn safety regulations to be maintained in a shop floor. This laboratory is scheduled for 1st and 2nd semester for all engineering students. Apart from curriculum, some additional experimental setups are there which helps the students to enhance their knowledge. Students also get opportunity to implement their ideas through various application oriented micro projects.

Mechanics Lab

The applied mechanics laboratory is used for both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. Students have the opportunity to use experimental apparatus and compare results against that of accepted theory, developing and enhancing their knowledge of important scientific concepts.

The lab is equipped to perform a diverse range of experiments including photo stress analysis. Various applications of strain gauges such as diaphragm, thick/ thin cylinders, combined bending & torsion, single/ multi plane balancing exercises can also be conducted. These are very useful for the understanding of vector diagrams.

The facility incorporates many wall mounted experiments and beam bending rigs which are strategically placed around the perimeter of the laboratory. These experiments include the energy of a flywheel, friction clutch, cantilever and the rubber block apparatus.

Project Lab

This is an engineering laboratory subject for mechanical engineering juniors and seniors . Major emphasis is on interplay between analytical and experimental methods in solution of research and development. It also helps second year and third year B.tech and Diploma students for their final year project.


S.No. Name of Faculty Paper Title Year Details of Publication (Journal/ Conference)
1. Dr. Vijayendra Singh Sankhla A Review on Renewable Energy applications scenario in different Countries 2022 NCITA 21-22 jan 2022
Review on vertical roller mill in cement industry & its performance parameters 2022 Science Direct
Increase Productivity of Vertical Roller Mill using Seven QC Tools 2022 Science Direct
A comprehensive review on the sustainable refrigeration systems 2022 Advances in Materials Processing & Manufacturing Applications (iCADMA 2020)
Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering Applications in Medicine and Biology 2022 NCITA 21-22 jan 2022
2. Mr.Gaurav Purohit Experimental Investigation of Augmentation of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficentcient in Tube Heat Exchanger with TriangularInsert 2022 Journal of Chengdu University of Technology
New method of friction stir welding of aluminium alloys 2022 NCITA 21-22 jan 2022
A Review on Smart Cities 2021 26-27 February, 2021
Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering Applications in Medicine and Biology 2021 NCITA 21-22 jan 2022
A Litreture Review on Barriur and Smart Cities 2021 26-27 February, 2021
3. Mukesh Ganchi Innovation Ecosystem, Technological advancement and societal challenges for understanding smart cities 2022 (NCITA 21-22 jan 2022)
4. Dilip Kumar Shrimali The role of technological innovationin environment pollution, energy consumption and sustainable economic growth. 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)
5. Narendra Kumar Sharma A review on the performance of the EDM Process Parameter 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)
6. Devendra Biloliya An Overview of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)
7. Shalini Mali Utility of Exploit Space Based Solar as Base Load Power Plant 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)
8. Suresh Meghwal Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with MPPT for Grid Connected PV System 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)
9. Mrs. Surbhi Sharma The Laws of Thermodynamics to Apply the Human Bodies 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)
10. Mrs. Deepika Babel Investigation of Mechanical Properties for Hybrid Joint of Aluminum to Polymer using Friction Stir Welding (FSW) 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)
11. Mr. Lalit Prajapat The Laws of Thermodynamics to Apply the Human Bodies 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)
12. Mrs. Bhumika Joshi Analysis of Physical Layer of OFDM and WiMAX System 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)
13 Mr. Pramod Kumar Choudhary Artificial Intelligence Technique based MPPT Controller for Standalone SECS 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)
14 Mr. Imran Khan Behavior of Eco Green Concrete Construction Project 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)
15 Mr. Yogesh Shrimali Cloud Computing – Identity Management 2022 (NCITA 21-22 Jan 2022)