Grievance Committee - AravaliEducation
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Grievance Committee

Aravali Institute of Technical Studies

The Grievance Redressal Cell in AITS has constituted to probe into the student grievances and to address genuine problems and complaints of AITS students whatever be the nature of the problem.

Following the directions of AICTE, the Grievances Redressal Cell is established in Aravali Institute of Technical Studies in order to deal with the individual grievances related to AITS students and faculty members and to ensure the redressal of grievances amicably in a time bound manner. The online Grievance Redressal mechanism can be able to receive and dispose of the grievances online. The Flex board is  fixed near the office with the committee members list, contact numbers and email-id’s of members indicating the details of the online Grievance Redressal mechanism i.e. URL of the online Grievance Redressal Portal to ensure publicity/awareness of the establishment  of  Grievance Redressal mechanism. Faculty from departments, who are members of this cell meet periodically and provide solutions to problems related to girl students and women employee. The committee invites suggestions from employees for improving the working environment and resolving issues if any. Any grievances/sexual harassment related specific issues are addressed through professional counseling. If required, parents are called and counseled confidentially.


  • To create a platform where students can point out their problems, regarding academic and non-academic matters.
  • Get suggestions from the students for improvement.
  • Take necessary steps for improvement in the light of grievances.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

The students approach the Cell to voice their grievances regarding academic and non academic matters. The cell redresses the grievances at individual and class level and grievances of common interest. Students are encouraged to use the suggestion box placed on the campus to express constructive suggestions and grievances.

Suggestion Boxes are provided in every building and grievance records are placed at vantage points in the college (including the Library and Hostels) for the students/staff to air their grievances. Complaints dropped in the ‘Suggestion Box’ by students and oral complaints are also redressed. All complaints are scrutinized by the management and the grievance redressal cell. Hod/Principal/Director regularly attends to these on daily basis. The college assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with confidentiality.

Besides there is an exclusive mechanism to address the issues relating to women and their grievances.

  • The departmental level grievances are attended by the concerned class Coordinators, Counselors and Department Heads of AITS.
  • The student coordinators and staff coordinators of the grievance redressal cell act as facilitators to communicate and sort out the grievances at the department level.
  • Unresolved grievances at the departmental level are referred to the Grievance Redressal Cell of the institution.
  • An online monthly Status Report regarding the number of grievances received, disposed off and pending as on the last day of the previous month is being informed to Director Office.
  • Student can contact Dr. Bheru Das Vairagi (Mob. 7014307099) for any Grievances or mail at