Basic Science Department | Best COllege in Udaipur | Top University in Udaipur | Management and Technical Studies CoursesBasic Science Department - AravaliEducation
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Basic Science Department

Department of Basic Science and Humanities

About The Department:

Department of Basic Science and Humanities was established in the year 2008.This Department is devoted to foster the fundamental principles and understanding of science to enhance the student’s basic knowledge of Engineering. Its objective is to provide value-based education to budding scientists and engineers. Engineering as a stream of study demands the basic knowledge of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and ignoring these streams can never make a perfect engineer. The English Language Lab through communication and soft skills training enables students to prepare for life, in a globally competitive environment. Therefore, the department acts as an active catalyst to develop perfect approach to unlock their hidden talent, personality and communication skills to fulfill the needs of young engineers.


Extracting and disseminating vital information forms the essential tenet of engineering education which the department ensures by taking special care for improving communication skills in the English language. The department currently comprises well qualified faculty members, organized into four units along broad disciplinary lines – Chemistry, English, Mathematics and Physics. The department transforms the technical into the creative through its engagement with various productive clubs like Eco Friends Club, Science & Technology Club, Spiritual Club, Toastmasters Club, Docu-Drama Club and many more.


  • “We give them wings and they rule over the sky”.
  • Our Vision is “To provide education in Engineering with excellence and ethics and to reach the unreached”.
  • To transform the institution into a global center of learning through the synergic application of creativity, innovation, and discipline.


  • To provide value-based education and mould the character of the younger generation through a system of wholesome learning, so that their earnest endeavor to achieve progress and prosperity in life is matched by an ardent desire to extend selfless service to society, one complementing the other.
  • Today we are working endlessly, ceaselessly & creatively to expand the horizons of wisdom to build a significantly better ‘Tomorrow’ to attain the highest level of fulfillment.

Program Education Outcomes:

  • To continuously improve results, and employments through campus.
  • Include professionalism through society activities like IEEE and IETE and impart knowledge in the area of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
  • To augment industry-institute collaboration for activities such as In-plant training, industrial visits and sponsored research.
  • To provide placement opportunities for all the eligible graduating students of the Department.
  • To enhance research and consultancy activities in the Department.
  • To improve the quality and quantity of papers published in Internationals Journals and Conferences.

Department Details:

  • Year of Inception :2008
  • Affiliated to :Rajasthan Technical University, Kota


Course Offered:

  • B.Tech. – 60 Seats each in Computer Engg. Civil Engg. Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engg. and 30 Seats in Electronics and Comm. Engineering
  • Approved by AICTE & Govt. of Rajasthan
  • Total Labs:02

Details Of Faculties:

  • Faculty Strength :08
  • Professors: 02
  • Associate Professors:00
  • Assistant Professors:05
  • Lecturer : 02
  • PhD : 02
  • Pursuing PhD :02
  • Master Degree : 06

Message From HoD:

It gives me immense pleasure to present brief of Department of Basic Science & Humanities. Since, the Basic Science & Humanities subjects are the foundation subjects for all the branches of engineering and technology, Department of Basic Science & Humanities imparts to build a firm base as part of the Engineering Education. The BSH department plays a vital role in teaching basic sciences courses as prescribed by the curriculum of the university in I, II , III & IV year of B.Tech.


The Department enhances knowledge in subjects like Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry etc. Well educated, talented and dedicated Faculty and Staff Members are the backbone of this department. In addition to the primary teaching duties, all of them have their publications in National as well as International Journals of repute for attaining perfection in their profession.


The teaching module comprises of lectures, tutorials and practicals along with various other initiatives. Faculty members perform the role of a perfect facilitator as Mentor to each section. The methodology adopted in the classroom teaching is based on the application of innovation strategies, comprehensive lectures, regular assignments and active interaction between teachers and students. The purpose of inducing the subjects of Basic Science & Humanities in Engineering study is to lay a solid foundation of basic concepts for innovative future with limitless opportunities. Therefore, the department acts as an active catalyst to develop perfect approach to unlock their hidden talent, personality and communication skills to fulfill the needs of young engineers.

Dr. Lalit Pipliwal
Professor and Head


There are total 02 Labs in Department of Basic Science and Humanities. The names are:


1. Engineering Chemistry Lab
2. Engineering Physics Lab


The details of labs are:

1. Laboratory Details:

Presently Engineering Chemistry lab accommodates the objective of better understanding of syllabus of 1st year B.Tech and absorbs the theory along with implementing it practically. The experiments have been chosen to develop skill among the learners so that they can measure, differentiate and analyze various chemical processes. This will inlay a deep understanding of the subject to help them solve the engineering problems in their area of work. Chemistry lab can presently entertain 30 students working at the same time in a session. Students experiment in a group of two to learn team work and help each other for the same. The titrations are conducted individually by the student. The Engineering Chemistry Lab has a wide range of equipment. The lab is aptly prepared to impart education in Chemistry in a neatly designed, spacious and well-ventilated laboratory with a capacity to accommodate 45 students. The lab is aesthetically designed with polished ceramics tiles, separate balance room and chemical store room.

Engineering Chemistry Lab incorporates the experiments which involves the volumetric estimation of chemicals and determination of various properties of fuels and water samples like Viscosity, Surface Tension and Hardness. This Lab has variety of instruments like double distillation plant, Stalagmometer, Viscometer and Conductivity meter

2. Engineering Physics Lab:

The objective of this lab is to teach students, the importance of physics through involvement in experiments. This lab helps to have knowledge of the world due to constant interplay between observations and hypothesis, experiment and theory in physics. Students will gain knowledge in various areas of physics so as to have real time applications in all engineering streams.


Major Equipment in Engineering Physics Lab are :- Newton’s Ring Apparatus, Diffraction Grating Polarimeter, E/M Thomsons’s Apparatus, Resolving Power Apparatus, Carey Foster’s Bridge, Sonometer, P-N Junction Diode, Planck’s Constant Apparatus, Cauchy Constant Apparatus, Cathode Ray Osscilator, De-Sauty Bridge, Ionisation Potential Apparatus, Solar Cell Apparatus, B-H Curve Apparatus etc.